Monday, August 4, 2008

Why You Shouldn't Vote For McCain Unless You're In The Top 1% After-Tax Income

This one's a quicky. The graphic shows how your after-tax income will change, percentage-wise, depending on your income percentile, according to tax proposals as described by each respective campaign. Blue is Obama, red is McCain.

Blue/Obama: Highest increase to lowest two quartiles, and some decrease to the top 1% earners.

Red/McCain: Lowest increase to lowest quartile income. Largest percent increase to the top 0.1% earners in the country. In other words, McCain and his CEO cronies.

Happy Birthday Barack!


Steve said...

Thanks for proving with statistics that you're an imbecile. Since the top 25% of income-earners pay of 86% of all taxes, it stands to reason that a tax cut policy benefits them the most, don't you think? Unless, of course, your objective is to pander to achievement-envying losers like yourself.

David Kass said...

I used to think so too. But I somehow came around to the conclusion that it's not a good idea to put a higher tax burden on the poorest people least able to afford it -- those struggling to put food on the table. According to the link you provided, the top 1% of earners earn more than a fifth of our nation's income. I propose that having done so well for themselves they: 1. can afford to pay more taxes than my cleaning lady; and 2. should continue to support the system that has enabled them to do so well.