Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another Reason Why No Hillary Supporter Should Vote For McCain

We all recall "How do we beat the bitch" question and McCain’s response: "That’s an excellent question." Watch the video!

In 1998, McCain told a crude joke about Chelsea, Hillary, and Janet Reno to an audience at a senate fundraiser. Chelsea was just a teenager at the time.

McCain cheated on then divorced his first wife when he came back from Vietnam and found that she had been disfigured in an accident. He eventually married younger, wealthier Cindy Lou Hensley one month after the divorce.

McCain reportedly called his wife Cindy the c-word in public.

How misogynistic is this man? I mean, when I did the Google search for the last thing, I actually typed, "c-word," because I couldn't bring myself to spell it out on my own computer in the privacy of my own home!

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