Saturday, June 21, 2008

Why no Hillary supporter should vote for McCain

"You don't spend your life fighting for women's rights and then vote for Sen. McCain."
– St. Paul, MN mayor Chris Coleman quoted on

McCain wants to overturn Roe v. Wade
Source: McCain’s campaign web site

Source: NPR

McCain opposed an equal pay bill in the Senate
Source: Associated Press

"McCain: Bush right to veto kids health insurance expansion"
Source: CNN

McCain supports Bush policy of denying funding to anti-AIDS projects that include counseling about contraception or any sex education beyond abstinence.
Source: NY Times

Voted against requiring health insurance policies to cover prescription birth control.
Source: Planned Parenthood


Voted to terminate the Title X family-planning program, which provided millions of women with health-care services ranging from birth control to breast cancer screenings.
Source: Planned Parenthood

Voted against funding teen-pregnancy-prevention programs and against ensuring that "abstinence only" programs be medically accurate and scientifically based.
Source: Planned Parenthood

Voted for the domestic "gag rule," which would have prohibited federally funded family planning clinics from providing full information about reproductive health options.
Source: NARAL

Voted to uphold the global "gag rule," which bans overseas health clinics from receiving U.S. family planning aid if they use their own funds to provide legal abortion services or even support or discuss abortion options.
Source: Planned Parenthood

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