Thursday, September 11, 2008

Look! Something Shiny!

It seems to be the consensus of the pundits that the lipstick thing really IS a distraction "on purpose" from the McCain campaign from the issues of the day.

We have two wars, an energy crisis, a foreclosure crisis, and a recession. The American people want to talk about healthcare and jobs and middle class tax cuts. None of these is a winning issue for McCain. So any day that he can distract us with something unimportant and irrelevant, especially that will get his base a little riled up is a good day for McCain. Any day that Obama can stay on message about the issues will hurt McCain -- he's voted with Bush 91% of the time. And nobody wants more of what Bush has to offer. So watch for more distractions and tantrums and diversions. McCain doesn't want to talk about the issues. If he talks about the issues, he loses.

It was heartening to see some in the media last night treating this for what it was -- a big lie. Some even brought up other recent lies out of the McCain camp, specifically their disgraceful new "sex ed ad" and the "Bridge to Nowhere." Up until now, the media has gone along with the "Maverick McCain" persona, though the "maverick" is long gone. It's my hope that the "lipstick on a pig" affair might mark a turning point -- that the media will abandon "maverick" and portray McCain more often for what he is: a big fat liar.

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