Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Those Pigs Didn't Oink

From MSNBC's First Read:
Those pigs didn’t oink: Notice how the McCain campaign tried to change the subject yesterday? It cut its first Tony Rezko ad, which tied Obama to the “corrupt Chicago machine”; it angrily denounced the New York Times on a conference call with reporters; and it brought up Obama’s tenuous ties to ‘60s radical William Ayers on that same conference call. But unlike two weeks ago, when the McCain camp’s “lipstick on a pig” and “sex-ed for kindergartners” TV ad dominated the political discussion, those weapons of mass distraction got very little attention yesterday. The economy and the current Wall Street crisis have become THE story, and nothing right now is going to stop that. All the cable outlets will be covering the Paulson/Bernanke hearings as big news today -- making subject-changing efforts much more difficult.

The media is finally starting to cover the story of how McCain would rather distract us all than discuss the issues -- losing issues for him. Hopefully, the media will continue to ignore his attempt at diverting our attention, and continue to cover the important stuff. A big win for American voters, whatever party we support.

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